Help Gianna with Daily Living Skills
Building Blocks for Kids
Help Gianna with Daily Living Skills
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Two year old Gianna loves animals and visiting the zoo.  She is super friendly and recently demonstrated to her parents the new word "hi" she learned by yelling it at the grocery store to a woman in the frozen food isle.  She loves to play with and copy her little sister.

Gianna was born with Down's Syndrome, hypotonia and translocation.  Because of these diagnosis, she has special developmental needs.  She is very small for her age, less than 1 percentile.  She likes food and to eat but her developmental skills are delayed and she needs extra help to learn fine motor skills.  Her family is requesting funding for an adaptive high chair and occupational therapy.  With an adaptive high chair, Gia will be supported, making it easier for her to grasp and reach for foods.  Currently she is having to use extra tummy and back muscles, making eating a challenge and not enjoyable.  Occupational Therapy will work with her to develop the fine motor skills she needs to eat independently as well as accomplish other activities of daily living.  

$4850 for Adaptive High chair and Occupational Therapy

ABOUT Meet a Need

Building Blocks for Kids supports children and families who live with disabilities in a wide variety of ways.  One of those ways is through our Meet A Need Medical Scholarship Program.  This program allows us to meet individual needs, one child at a time.

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  • Fundraising progress:
    • $202.39
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    • $4,850.00
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