Katie Gregory - Vice President

Introducing Katie Gregory, the BB4K board vice president and a second-grade teacher for Cincinnati Public Schools. Katie has been teaching the inner-city youth of Cincinnati for over 20 years. She has a great passion and motivation for educating and serving families in Cincinnati.

Katie has a bachelor in communication arts, a bachelor in elementary education, a masters degree in education and a reading science endorsement all from the University of Cincinnati. Her awards and achievements include the Community Impact Award, Ohio Make a Difference Day Project Award, Top City Fundraising Award, Educator of the Month and Outstanding Recycling Educator of the Year.

Having been a Girl Scout as a youth and an adult gave her the fund-raising skills and ideas needed to be a valuable member of the Building Blocks for Kids family.

Katie became a member of the BB4K family when her son received a grant to help pay for much needed therapy. Since then, she has advocated and worked to create new opportunities for BB4K children and their families as an integral member of the board.

When she isn't working or volunteering, Katie enjoys creating many special memories with her two teenage children.